Monday, January 8, 2018

Information on Form Printing and Federal/State Updates will be available

I wanted to start a new post about this information since it technically was included in the "Republic" information and, of course, if you aren't doing Republic Bank applications you wouldn't of reading it.

Here is the information you are all looking for.

We encourage you to monitor the E-File Availability list at along with the Forms Release Schedule at for the latest information. The next software product updates are scheduled for early January and will enable e-file capabilities.

For example, here are the information from the above sites for the Federal Forms
JurisdictionModule Estimated ReleaseE-file StatusE-file Estimated Release
EPS Bank1/10/2018Not Supported 
Federal 55002/27/2018Planned2/27/2018
Federal Corporation1/10/2018Approved1/10/2018
Federal Estate5/15/2018Not Supported 
Federal Exempt1/17/2018Approved2/22/2018
Federal Fiduciary1/17/2018Testing2/1/2018
Federal Gift2/27/2018Not Supported 
Federal Individual1/10/2018Approved1/10/2018
Federal Miscellaneous1/17/2018Not Supported 
Federal Organizer5/15/2018Not Supported 
Federal Partnership1/10/2018Approved1/10/2018
Federal SCorporation1/10/2018Approved1/10/2018